Monday, September 1, 2014

Here's to a Great Start!

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Greetings NIAA Parents,

Welcome to another fabulous year of learning. For the 2014-2015 school year I will instruct/teach/facilitate 9th and 10th grade English Language Arts (ELA).

To start off the school year right, we are spending time, reviewing and learning the process of completing my homework assignments, honing our reading strategies and rebuilding and flexing our writing muscles.

Please make sure your student has sign up for this website is where I will post necessary documents as well as the class calendar for upcoming homework, including weekly reading logs, bi-weekly article reviews, essay and exam due date reminders, etc.

Students will need a 3 ring binder or dedicated multiple subject spiral notebook for my class and they should have their school issued planner with them each day as we will update it with information weekly.

My blog updates vary from weekly to bi-weekly, I have also added a page For Parents Only to share articles related to school/parent partnerships. Please feel free to share with me any articles you think other parents may enjoy reading.

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My email is if you have any questions. I am looking forward to a great year!
Miss Sanders