As the school year comes to a close, I wanted to post some suggestions for fun summer reading for teen readers: has a wonderful list of Christian Series Fiction for adolescents
Townsend Press - The Complete Bluford Series
The Bluford Series is a collection of high-interest novels that have captivated teens throughout the US. Set in fictional Bluford High, a tough but nurturing inner-city high school, the novels speak to the interests, struggles, and concerns of today's 6th-10th graders. A popular choice for school- and city-wide reading initiatives, the series has been widely reviewed in the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy (JAAL) and praised in School Library Journal and Kirkus Reviews. In addition, numerous Bluford novels have been selected as Quick Picks and Popular Paperbacks by the American Library Association (ALA). As of early 2017, nearly 11 million Bluford novels were in print. Get updates about the Bluford Series on Facebook or read reviews of the books on Goodreads. Get a Bluford Series brochure here.
C.S. Lewis - The Essentials
Contemporary American Fiction- for college prep